Sprint, Google Expand Mobile Partnership

Sprint and Google are partnering to bring services such as Google Maps for Mobile and YouTube to Sprint customers. As part of the deal, Google will also become Sprint's preferred mobile search provider.

"Our partnership with Google is a great example of how Sprint is making the mobile Internet experience even more customer-friendly and useful to our customers," said Kevin Packingham, vice president of product management at Sprint. "Sprint looks forward to extending its partnership with Google, and to bringing customers a mobile experience enhanced by the speed of the Now Network, complimented by the services of Google."

This is not the first time Sprint and Google have worked together. In November 2006, Sprint made Gmail available from its portal. Late last year, Sprint joined Google as a founding member of the Open Handset Alliance, currently developing the Google's Android open mobile platform. And just last week, the two companies contributed to the formation of Clearwire, a company focused on building the first nationwide mobile WiMAX network.

"Google and Sprint have a lot in common when it comes to our vision for the mobile web," said Doug Garland, vice president of product management at Google. "We both believe in openness and providing compelling, easy-to-use mobile services that consumers can use every day. We look forward to working together to deliver a great experience."

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