Opera Mini 4.1 Released

Opera Software today announced its newest version the Opera Mini browser, up to 50 percent faster that prior version. Opera Mini 4.1 searchs for text within a webpage, provides URL entry with recognition based on bookmarks and browsing history, uploads and downloads files without going into the phone's native browser and downloads pages for offline viewing.

"More than 44 million people from all over the world have discovered and fallen in love with Opera Mini," says Jon von Tetzchner, CEO of Opera. "Those people are not just the users of Opera Mini, they are also the co-creators and our most valued critics of the product. We have actively talked to our community members in order to build the best Web browser for mobile phones. I strongly believe that the newest version of Opera Mini will be received with much excitement."

Since its launch in 2006, Opera Mini has become the most popular mobile browser with over 44 million users. Opera Mini 4.1 introduces new features such as:

- Up to 50% faster than Opera Mini 4.0
- The new Opera Mini will automatically suggest URL completions
- Webpages can be saved for later off-line viewing
- Gives quick access to the word or phrase users want in webpages
- Images, ringtones and other content can be downloaded without leaving Opera Mini

View the guided tour of Opera Mini 4.1 at http://www.operamini.com/tour.

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